"Leopards? Oh yes, there are two varieties on this side of the Limpopo. The chief difference between them is that the one kind of leopard has got a few more spots on it than the other kind. But when you meet a leopard in the veld, unexpectedly, you seldom trouble to count his spots to find out what kind he belongs to. This is unnecessary. Because, whatever kind of leopard it is that you come across in this way, you only do one kind of running. And that is the fastest kind." Herman Charles Bosman
Leopards & Liars:
Directed by Bets Basson
Performed by Barbie Meyer & Lorna Seldon Burd
Brace yourselves! Hilarious storytelling which will make you giggle when you really know you shouldn’t. These two sassy women will delight and surprise you with the extraordinary life and works of one of South Africa’s literary masters: Herman Charles Bosman.
Running time: 60 minutes

“This Show is a must-see – the girls ooze personality and charm and you just might get hooked on reading a couple more of Herman Charles Bosman’s funny and profound stories, for yourself.”
“Highly recommended!” D.A. Straughan (B.A. HED. English Lecturer)

"I knew that nothing I could do would ever convince that leopard that my toe was Abjaterskop..."

"When you meet a leopard in the veld, unexpectedly, you seldom trouble to count his spots to find out what kind he belongs to. This is unnecessary. Because, whatever kind of leopard it is that you come across in this way, you only do one kind of running. And that is the fastest kind..."

"I wanted to get up and run for it. But I couldn’t. My legs wouldn’t work..."

"... It seems a long way, now, from the kitchen to the voorhuis, and I had to learn against the wall several times to think. I passed a number of other men who were also learning against the wall like that, thinking..."

"..he drove up to the spot where he remembered having seen Hans lying dead on the ground with the tall black man next to him. From a distance he again saw that yellow dog…that slipped away on their approach…"

"...That was the story Stoffel told me after I had recovered from the fever. It was a story that that had in it features as strange as the African veld. It brought me no peace in my broodings after that attack of malaria..."

"...I could see that they listened to me in the same way that they listened when Krisjan Lemmer talked. And everybody knew that Kirsjan Lemmer was the biggest liar in the Bushveld..."

“Go right through, kerels” he said, “the dancing is in the voorhuis. The peach brandy is in the kitchen…”