"Barb, tell me now, who are you trying to play? A man or a fairy? .....Let's try again from the top..." Bets Basson (on my best efforts portraying rugged Oom Schalk Lourens at Willem Prinsloos party)

Bets Basson is my director, mentor and friend. She has guided me through some of the most ridiculous, fun, gruelling characters ever. She has singled handedly slapped me into some sort of presentable shape over the years, in things and ways that I never knew I had in me.
She is a wealth of information and I am privileged to have her as my tenacious, competent and big hearted Director.
Here is just a little more about this admirable Lady:
Formele opleiding / Formal Education
1954: Onderwysdiploma / Education Diploma: Heidelbergse Onderwyskollege
1960: Lisensiaat in drama en spraaklopleiding
Liscenciate in Speech Training and Drama
1983: Verdere Onderwys Diploma (V.D.O) / Futher Educational Diploma
Minimale breindisfunskie (M.B.D) / Minimal Brain Disfunction
Spesiale onderwys (S.O) / Special education
Onderwys Kollege vir Verdere Opleiding
Beroepservaring / Occupational experience:
1954 -1983: Onderwyser: Graad 1 to 7 / Teacher: Grade 1 to Grade 7
By / at: Laerskool Aucklandpark
Laerskool Unika
Laerskool Hugenoot
Laerskool Richmond
Laerskool Trap der Jeugd
1960-1995: Dramaonderwyseres / Drama Teacher
Eie geregistreerde ateljee / own registered studio (Ateljee Sonjad)
1984-1994: JCE se sentrum vir Hoogs begaafde leerlinge / The JCE Center for Highly Gifted Children.
1960 - : Lid/Erelid van die S.A. Gilde vir spraak en drama onderwysers (S.A. Guilde)
Member / Honourary member of the S.A. Guild of Speech and Drama Teachers (S.A. Guild).
1986 - : Lid / Erelid van die Raad van Afrikaanse beoordelaars (R.A.B) /
Member / Honorary member of R.A.B.
1970 - : Beoordelaar van kunswedstryde, toneelfeeste en redenaarskompetisies /
Adjudicator of Eistedfod’s, Drama festivals and Public speaking Festivals.
1970 - : Eksamineerder van Spraakopleiding – en dramaeksamens /
Examinator of Speech and Drama Examinations.
1970 – 1995: Directing school and student plays.
Prestasies / Achievements
1980–1984: Hoof van Juniorskool Trap der Jeugd
Head of Juniourskool Trap der Jeugd
1960-1995: Wen met drama-ateljee etlike diplomas en trofee /
Won several diplomas and trophees with Drama Studio.
1984-1998: Dien op die eksamenraad van S.A. Gilde vir spraak en drama onderwysers /
Serves on the Examination Board of S.A. Guild of Speech and Drama Teachers.
koordineerder van Mondelinge kommunikasie en vertolkingskunge/
National Co-ordinator of Oral Communication and Interpretation.)
1990-1992: Voorsitter/Chairperson van of/ die S.A. Gilde / S.A. Guild.
1984-1994: Dien op die Nasionale Uitvoerende Raad van die S.A. Gilde
Serves on the National Executive Committee of the S.A. Guild
1986 - : Stigterslid / Founder member van/of die R.A.B.
1986-1991: Voorsitter / Chairperson van/of die R.A.B.
1990-1995: Stigterslid en kurrikulumbeplanner:
Lisensiaat v.d. S.A. Gilde (Beskermheer: Wits Technikon) /
Founder member and Curriculum Planner: Licenciate of the S.A. Guild
(Auspices: Wits Technikon)
1987-1994: Hoof: Drama-afdeling van JCE e sentrum vir hoogs begaafde leerlinge /
Head: Drama section: The JCE Center for Highly Gifted Children
(Inisieerder vir erkenning van drama as sewende vak op skoolvlak / Initiator for the acknowledgement of Drama as seventh subject on school level.)
2004: Directed “A Leopard, A Tree, Bosman, You & Me” for Grahamstown Festival.
2005: Directed 3-hander: “Chocolate” for Grahamstown Festival.
2006: Directed 2 hander: “Bosman’s Women” for Grahamstown Festival.
2007/8: Directed “Wild & Fragrant” for Grahamstown Festival.
2009/10: Directed "Bosman's Veld Maiden" for Grahamstown Festival.
Publikasies / Publications:
Basson, B & Robinson 1988. Grimeer is pret Johannesburg: Starius.
Basson, B (3d.) 1991. Vyf-en-sewentig monoloe Johannesburg, Perskor.
Basson, B (ed.) 1992. Vyf-en-veertig samesprake Johannesburg, Perskor.