"Theatre is the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being." Oscar Wilde
I have been so fortunate to get to perform in some wonderful, crazy, small, big, grubby, spotless, posh, ramshackle and welcoming places at festivals and various dorps across the country - each performance is different and memorable... here follow just a few pics and info on past performances:

"Bosman, Curry & Cabaret"
Supper Theater @ Lobster Pot, Ramsgate, KZN
R200 per ticket includes Supper & Show

Bosman in Richmond, KZN!
Friday 16th October - supper theatre
Booking essential: 083 236 1447

WHERE: Richmond Country Club
WHEN: Friday 16th October 2015
TIME: 6.00p.m. for 6.30p.m.
TICKETS: R150p.p. includes supper and show. Cash bar available.
BOOK: with Ding Gowar on 083 2361 447 (booking essential as space is limited)
All profits from this evening will go towards the Anglican Church’s car fund.
Bosman’s Veld Maiden is an intoxicating blend of humour, irony & wit.
Alluring Marico ghosts, countless bottles of mampoer and elusive romances – both funny and enthralling - this is undoubtedly South African storytelling at its best!
Herman Charles Bosman’s hilarious stories are brought to life by the comical veld maiden herself – Barbie Meyer.
Herman Charles Bosman (1905-1951) was a South African writer and journalist who became famous for capturing the rhythms of backveld Afrikaans speech even though he wrote in English. He is widely regarded as the greatest short story writer to come out of this country. His books are some of the finest in the field of South-African literature.
This is Meyer’s 5th show on Herman Charles Bosman’s work and as with her previous shows; she has been able to bring to life a balanced and highly palatable assortment of this famous author’s short stories, essays and poetry. Tasty titbits about Bosman’s Bohemian and rather controversial life have been woven into the work and the show is suitable for all ages.
Bosman’s Veld Maiden is directed by the evergreen Bets Basson. Basson was formerly a speech and drama critic in Johannesburg, as well as the head of the drama department at the Johannesburg College of Education’s Center for Gifted Children. She is an honoury member of the Board of Adjudicators at the Speech & Drama College of S.A. and has published three books on drama. She has directed all of Meyer’s previous Bosman successes, which continue to be performed countrywide.
So expect comical and witty storytelling through the mouth of an attractive blonde khaki boer as well as through the eyes of a veld maiden. A little romantic, a tad sensual but of course touched with Bosman’s unmistakable twists in the tail…and tales!
Jampacked Arts & Culture weekend
for Hoedspruit!
Thursday 1st October till Sunday 4th October 2015
Booking essential: 081 046 3274

An exhilarating line-up of arts across the genres will be hosted by Imbizo Gallery in Hoedspruit over the first weekend of October 2015.
Tickets for the Supper Theatre as well as the Fashion Show are available directly from Imbizo Gallery (Shop 20, Kamogelo Tourism Centre, Hoedspruit) or you can book via phone with Geoff or Vanessa on: 081 046 3274 or 087 808 2826.
SUPERB WINE TASTING will take place at Imbizo Gallery and will be presented by two top wine estates: Hermanuspietersfontein and La Couronne.
WHERE: Imbizo Gallery
When: Thursday 1st October
TIME: 6.30 (Entrance free)
The weekend kicks off at Imbizo Gallery on Thursday 1st October at 6.30p.m. with a unique sculpture exhibition entitled “Taunting Gravity” by bronze sculptor Marke Meyer.
This sculptor who hails from Kwazulu Natal will be in attendance at the opening and is looking forward to meeting and chatting with all art lovers. His extraordinary exhibition includes his legendary suspended bronze nudes which do indeed appear to ‘taunt gravity’.
Also exhibiting at this exhibition are prominent photographic artists including: Jof Mclean, Bjorn Borge-Lunde, Mwana Bermudas and Klaus Tiedge. Klaus will be available for the signing of his exquisite coffee table photographic book entitled “Pride of Africa”.
Actress Barbie Meyer will open the exhibition.
The exhibition will remain open for the entire weekend – running from Thursday the 1st to Sunday the 4th of October. All art lovers are welcome to come along to the celebratory opening or to pop in to browse anytime over this period.
WHERE: Jakkals en Wolf Restaurant
WHEN: Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd October
TIME: 5.30p.m. for 6p.m.
TICKETS: R190p.p. includes a three course meal & theatre show.
Cash bar available.
BOOK: 081 046 3274 or 087 808 2826 (Booking essential for catering purposes)
“Bosman’s Veld Maiden’ is a compilation of Herman Charles Bosman’s hilarious short stories which are brought to life in this one woman show by the effervescent actress Barbie Meyer.
Expect comical and witty storytelling through the mouth of an attractive blonde khaki boer as well as through the eyes of a veld maiden…a little romantic, a tad sensual but of course touched with Bosman’s unmistakable twists in the tail…and tales!
The piece is directed by Bets Basson and is an intoxicating blend of humour, irony and wit – this is undoubtedly South African storytelling at its best.
WHERE: Jakkals en Wolf Restaurant
WHEN: Saturday 3rd October
TIME: 11a.m.
TICKETS: R150p.p. includes canapés and wine tasting by Hermanspietersfontein and La Couronne wine estates
BOOK: 081 046 3274 or 087 808 2826 (Booking essential for catering purposes)
Two top fashion designers come together to give a taste of their exquisite new collections.
Terrence Bray hails from Durban and is a multi award winning designer with a private clientele, both nationally and abroad.
Bray produces a seasonal, ready to wear range available at select boutiques and online.
This collection retains a relaxed yet dressy look that takes inspiration from coastal living. The silhouettes are wearable yet push the boundary slightly in the use of extreme proportions mixed with familiar wearable silhouettes.
“The artworks of Jeannie Kinsler form the foundation for the prints and the colour palette,” Bray explains, “my style simply honours beauty, humour and passion - it’s a philosophy that by its very nature adapts to its environment and constantly evolves.”
Frank Lymann hails from Canada. He started in the fashion industry at the tender age of eighteen and has become a well-known international brand in Canada, USA, Mexico, Europe, Russia, Dubai, Australia and now in South Africa.
“The women wearing my designs are confident, a tad rebellious and inherently unique,” he exudes, “she is charming and feminine whether she is in a dress our tunic and leggings, she’s seductive…”
To book or for any information regarding any of these events over this weekend please contact Vanessa or Geoff on 081 046 3274 or 087 808 2826 or go to www.imbizogallery.com
Supper theater in Centurion: Wednesday 2nd September 2015
"Bosman's Veld Maiden"
supper theater in Centurion
Wednesday 2nd September 2015
WHERE: The Café @ 145 Glover Avenue, Lyttelton, Centurion
WHEN: Wednesday 2nd of September
TIME: 6.p.m. for 7p.m.
TICKETS: R150p.p. includes a delightfully S.A. themed supper, desert & coffee.
BOOK: 082 496 3545 or 082 818 4552 (booking essential as space is limited)

Who’s WINE is it Anyway?”
An evening of spontaneous comedy - part of the annual Spring Wine Festival @ Riverbend Croc Farm, KZNatal.
4 Semi-sane Performers, 2 ruthless Judges, 1 ringleader & 1 unforgiving Scoreboard
Audience decides what the show will be about
Who will win the coveted WINE trophy?
Directed by Barbie Meyer
Featuring: Barbie Meyer, Howard Kelly, Thia Hulme, Clare Gaze, Hugh Verraynne, Brian Blumrick & Jonathan Brauteseth.
Barbie Meyer has I have hunted down another great team – notorious for their comedic skills. The show runs on four semi-sane players performing spontaneous scenes on the spot. There really is no script – and yes, the audience does give us the topics on the night.
This wild tiger is kept in check by one ringleader who introduces the games and two ruthless Judges who dish out points or punish players mercilessly when necessary. Each player is a team on their own vying for the coveted prize – the ‘Wine’ trophy.
Booing, groaning and cheering are clearly encouraged. Let the most fearless (wo)man win!
The well known blues duo “Jacob’s Saw” will add mellow tunes to what will undoubtedly be a hilarious and memorable evening.
The Show takes place at Riverbend Conference Center. Supper theater style.
Saturday 27th September 2014.
R160 per person. Includes supper, live blues and Show.
Cash bar available. Booking: Riverbend 039 3166204.

4 great days @ The Riverbend Croc Farm... filled with family, friends & curious folk...always a pleasure.
The venue is so worth a visit (even when there isn't a show on!) It's a family run business and besides the insane croc farm filled with hundreds of Nile crocs (& I'm talking the real thing here not the horrendous plastic shoe affair), there is also a fab restaurant, cool Art Gallery, Wine Cellar of note, Craft Shop & Conference facilities. Check out their website below: http://www.crocodilecrazy.co.za/

CAUGHT IN THE ACT... at the Grahamstown Festival

Whatta cool venue The Secret Garden in Pmb is...great owners and I played to two, propvol ,crazy but receptive audiences!
Click on the link below to see more on the actual venue (It's a wedding venue in the bushveld - but close to town...gorgeous!)

"Who's LION is it Anyway?"
Saturday 20th July 2013
An evening of spontaneous comedy!
4 Semi-sane Performers,
2 ruthless Judges,
1 unforgiving Scoreboard
Audience decides what the show will be about.
Who will win the coveted Lion trophy?
Featuring: Barbie Meyer, Howard Kelly, Lorna Burd,
Thia Hulme, Clare Gaze & Roger Seldon

From left to right:
2 fierce and forbidding judges: Roger Seldon and Clare Gaze
Ringleader of note: Arnie Hoffman
and the four teams: Barbie Meyer, Howard Kelly, Thia Hulme and our ultimate winner for the evening: Lorna Seldon Burd
Above: The Grahamstown Festival? 10 days of Amazing they say - and right they are... here I am with Lorna Seldon Burd and Monique Rutter...

Above: Sticking up posters at Festivals puts hairs on your chest and keeps you strong... it's always cool to see the other posters too

Above: Marke Meyer doing his part in marketing Bosman's Women in Kalk Bay - what a gorgeous converted little Church this theatre is - most worthy of a visit! They also hold great Improvisation shows (theatresports).

Above: Lorna and I before a show at Rhumbelow Theatre in Durban... with our favourite groupies Roger and Marke...

Above: The convention center slash theatre in St Lucia - getting ready for a performance of Bosman's Women...

Above: Lorna, Roger and I on the last day of a Grahamstown Festival stint - exhausted, happy and loving a bit of welcome sunshine!
'Rainbow Days’ – co-wrote, produced & acted. A musical fantasy. Played main role of Queen. An all ages, fairytale adventure. Cast: 12
‘Chocolate’ – Written produced & acted. A musical. A comic and informative look at Chocolate through the centuries. A 3 hander. Running time: 60 mins.
‘A Leopard, A Tree, Bosman, You & Me’ – Wrote/compiled, produced & acted. Comedy. A look at the life of South African author Herman Charles Bosman, as well as three of his short stories adapted for stage. A 2 hander. Running time: 60 mins.
‘Bosman’s Women’ – Wrote/compiled, produced & acted. Drama. Witty, comical, and thought provoking. Bosman’s Women gives a taste of this fascinating South African author’s works as well as insight into his personal & colourful life…from the perspective of the women themselves. A 2 hander. Running time: 60 mins.
‘Wild & Fragrant’ – Wrote/compiled, produced & acted. A one woman comedy drama. Slipping in and out of clothes and characters, Barbie Meyer gives a delicious taste of Herman Charles Bosman’s hilarious stories and life. Capturing everything from Bosman’s hard bull-denim pants of solitary confinement to his sensual women of the veld… It’s sensual, it’s funny and it’s fresh. Running time: 60 mins.
‘Bosman’s Veld Maiden’ – Directed by Bets Basson. Wrote/compiled, produced & acted by Barbie Meyer.
Herman Charles Bosman’s stories brought to life by our comical veld maiden - Barbie Meyer. Alluring Marico ghosts, countless bottles of mampoer and elusive romances – both funny and enthralling - this is undoubtedly South African storytelling at its best! Running time: 60 mins.
‘Bosman...& then some!’ – Wrote/compiled, produced & acted. A hilarious collage of Barbie's favourite pieces including: Bekkersdaal Marathon, Bosman's Veld Maiden, Playing Sane, a piece from Cold Stone Jug and a helping of poetry. This piece is perfect for supper theater venues. Running time: 1 h 45 minutes
Above pieces performed @:
Grahamstown Festival (5 years)
"The Mushroom People" - written by Anrie Myburgh. Performed by Barbie Meyer, James Williams & Steyn Fourie. “written by author Anrie le Roux, this piece was delightfully adapted for the stage by Barbie Meyer and Bets Basson. Come and see how the Mushies get to know butterflies in their splendour and ingeniousness, saving Mushroom Land from a colourless future. Come and meet the marionettes-on-strings: The kindly young man and the wise old king, the seafarers in their mushroom boat and big, magical, colourful butterflies...... Props and stage work by Anrie le Roux." Running time: 30 mins.
“The Mushroom People” was presented throughout the Christmas holidays - 2010.
"Bosman in the Gallows" - Directed by Marke Meyer. Wrote/compiled, produced & acted by Barbie Meyer.
This is Meyer's sixth play based on the infamous autho, Herman Charles Bosman's, work. This time her offering is
taken from his iconic book entitled “Cold Stone Jug”. Running time 90 minutes.
- Margate Art Museum - Margate
- Catalina Theatre - Durban
- Curtain Call Supper Theatre, Stephward Estate - Uvongo
- Uvongo Town Hall - Uvongo
- Rosehurst Supper Theatre - Pietermaritzburg
- Grahamstown Festival - Grahamstown
- Cycad Restaurant/Supper Theatre - Southbroom
- Riverbend Art Gallery & Conference Centre - Ramsgate
- Marico Festival – Groot Marico
- Sunset Soirees – Pietermaritzburg
- Rhumbelow Theatre – Durban
- George Arts Theatre - George
- Kalk Bay Theatre - Kalk Bay
- The Shed – Melmoth
- The Winehouse - Southbroom
- Yellowwood Supper Theatre – Howick
- Ramsgate Butterfly Valley
- Azalea Hall - Margate
- Leonardo Gallery - Moreletta Park, Pretoria
- Beira Alta Restaurant - Ballito, KZN
Meyer has been involved in many short performance pieces & performance poetry including:
The Mall 1 – performance poetry. Solo piece
The Mall 2 – performance poetry. Solo piece
Yellow Glimpse – performance poetry (written by Sara Jackson). 3 hander
Boxes – Short story (written by Barbie Meyer) 2 hander.
Cellphones & Sangomas - Performance poetry (written by Lorna Seldon-Burd.) 2 hander.
“Obsession” – performance Art (written by Mark Meyer). 2 hander.
“Interior with a Cat” – performance Art (written by Mark Meyer). 7 hander.
“The Leaving Game” – performance poetry (written by Mark Meyer). 13 hander.
Above pieces performed @:
ColaborArt – various locations
Margate Art Museum
RedEye Exhibition – Durban Main Gallery
Grahamstown Festival poetry platform
Stephward Estate
MUSIC: Co-founded “THE JAM”, a musical evening, which took place once a month on the Natal South Coast and ran for 15 years. THE JAM is/was perhaps best known as a platform where the best of South African original music is show-cased, as well as giving a platform for new and emerging musicians to perform their original music and songs to a listening and appreciative audience.
ARTS: Co-founded exhibits and performs regularly at ColaborArt, an avant-garde art movement on the Natal South Coast.
ColaborArt: represents progressive and experimental art across the arts. It encourages attempts at fusion of the arts across disciplines (theatre, music, poetry, sculpture, poetry, visual arts etc), whilst also encouraging and supporting the presentation of the arts and the artists themselves in their individual capacities.
These events take place at various venues every three months. To date there have been 18 of these ‘exhibitions’ over the past eight years.
Venues have included:
· Margate Art Museum
· Spillers Wharf – Port Shepstone
· Stephward Estate – Uvongo
· Macbanana - Munster
· Riverbend Gallery - Ramsgate
ColaborArt 19: Saturday 10th September 2011
@ Margate Art Museum 6p.m.
Barbie was actively involved in the 19th ‘happening’ of the funky, edgy ColaborArt movement. ColaborArt calls on Artists across the spectrum to present their latest most experimental, and sometimes outrageous, artistic inventions. These artists present a one night only exhibition of Live Performance Art, Visual Art, Poetry, Dance, Graffiti, Theatre, Sculpture, Music, Song, installations and strange combinations of these divergent art forms.
ColaborArt is a movement run by the artists themselves… as if acting on intuition; they come together when the time is right. The rest of the community is soon fired up and the town is a buzz with conversations like, “So what are you doing for ColaborArt this time…do you want to be part of my piece?”. ColaborArt encourages collaboration not only between the artists but seek to collaborate with artisans, carpenters, chefs, hairdressers, - really anybody who is willing with a touch of creative flair in their bones. Everyone is welcome.