"There is a queer witchery about the moon when it is full – especially the moon that hangs over the valley of the Dwarsberge in the summer time. It does strange things to your mind, the Marico moon, and in your heart are wild and fragrant fancies." Herman Charles Bosman
Directed by Bets Basson.
Witten & performed by Barbie Meyer
Slipping in and out of clothes and characters, Barbie Meyer gives a delicious taste of Herman Charles Bosman’s hilarious stories and life. Capturing everything from Bosman’s hard bull-denim pants of solitary confinement and the raw nakedness of Africa to his sensual women of the veld… this piece is as fresh as the colours on the washing line – don’t miss it.
“Wild & Fragrant” is Meyer’s eagerly awaited third show on one of S.A.’s finest literary masters: Herman Charles Bosman.
“His work gets under your skin – I’ve been hooked since I was a little girl. After every show I’m always left wanting to explore just a little more, wanting to re-read a story or another poem...
I work on other pieces but always seem to come back to Bosman’s stories – it’s like coming home.”
“A passionate and delicious dish of Bosman titbits. Little bites of poetry and prose, garnished with the performer’s own passion for Bosman’s voice. This production serves to whet the appetite not only for Bosman’s work but for all South African literary treasures.” Lee-Ann Knowles. Cue Newspaper / Grahamstown 2008.